The Apostleship of Divine Mercy
The Apostleship of Divine Mercy is a continuous, round-the-clock recitation of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. In this way, many are joined together in a prayer community — scattered in location but united in spirit — to answer Our Lord’s call to Saint Faustina to "say unceasingly this Chaplet".
To accomplish this continuous, round-the-clock appeal to the Divine Mercy, each member is to dedicate one ten-minute time slot per week to prayerfully recite the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. We are aiming to fill each time slot by 12 or more members, so that we might have a spiritual community of more than 12000 souls, calling on God’s mercy on a continuous basis. Imagine, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy being recited 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, by prayerful people all over our country. Your prayer can be united with thousands of apostles of Divine Mercy, in a single act of reparation for the sins of our nation.