We invite you to experience the peace of a Christian home setting with German and Italian inspired home-cooked meals.
The Divine Mercy Centre offers a spiritual aspect to your quiet getaway or vacation for a day, a weekend, a week or several weeks. Whether you come for a day, a week or several weeks, you are most welcome to relax in the Lord's Vineyard of His Divine Mercy.
You can enjoy our well-stocked library with a good selection of religious reading materials and videos. The Outdoor Stations of the Cross Trail through the wooded property is another favourite pastime for many of our guests.
Family gatherings, prayer days with your friends or prayer group, stopovers for a pilgrim group - there are endless possibilities for day visits to the Centre. Donations are gratefully accepted to help us cover operating costs, beautification of the grounds and the continuing renovations on the buildings. Young children enjoy seeing the chickens and playing on the swing set in the back yard. Other activities include fun on the trampoline, canoeing, basketball practice, badminton or volleyball games or just relaxing on the hammock swings with a good book.
For day visits, we can accommodate up to 24 people in the dining room and up to 120 outdoors under the picnic shelter in the summer and fall.
Our simple
overnight accommodations