Prayer Ministry
"O my most sweet Master, good Jesus, I give You my heart; You shape and mold it after Your liking. O fathomless love, I open the calyx of my heart to You, like a rosebud to the freshness of dew..."
Words of Saint Faustina as recorded in "Divine Mercy in My Soul", entry #1064
Giving one’s heart to Jesus has a very special meaning for us here at the Canadian Divine Mercy Centre. We also extend our hearts out to you - you who are heavy-laden, you who are in fear, you who are lonely, you who are in pain, you who are abused and you who are misunderstood.
Through the Divine Mercy prayer line, our ears and our hearts are always open - we listen to your needs, we pray for and with you. Three times daily, during community prayers, we pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for our country, our families, our priests and religious, and all souls most in need of God’s mercy. At the Hour of Great Mercy (between 3 and 4 p.m.), we offer prayers of intercession for the needs of all those who have called the prayer line, those who have sent in written requests, those who have sent in pictures for spiritual or physical healing, those who have petitions burning with candles here at the Centre and all the needs known to God alone. Every Friday at Holy Mass, we lift up to the merciful Heart of Jesus the needs of all those who have entrusted their prayers to us.
Saint Faustina once said that if she had as many hearts as there were drops in the ocean, she would offer them all to Jesus out of love, pure love! So, like our role model, the Secretary of Divine Mercy, we bring the needs of our brothers and sisters to our beloved Jesus, so that all may have a share in God’s mercy. O Jesus, have mercy on the whole world and draw all souls close to You; shield them in Your mercy, embed them in Your Heart and judge them leniently.
Your prayer call is totally confidential. Your prayer needs are mentioned in our prayers of intercession or we can place the request in the Divine Mercy Oratory near the First Class Relic of Saint Faustina. The prayer requests are included daily for thirty days; should the need continue, we place the intention in a closed cabinet with an old German Crucifix and perpetual candles, lifting up the prayers for another six months to the Crucified Christ. Then, your petitions are incinerated, the ashes are shrink-wrapped and placed in the Sanctuary of the Divine Mercy Oratory inside the base of the altar.
We can, upon your request, light candles for you in the Divine Mercy Oratory (suggested donation is $3.50 per candle). Candles have been used for centuries to lift up prayers to the merciful God; in this way, you can be spiritually present in the Oratory and before the Heart of God as the wax burns like incense before His Throne.
Please indicate if you wish your prayer request to be made public on our website so that others can include your needs in their prayers.
Call us locally at (613) 259-9114, or e-mail administrator@divinemercycentre.com